This suit is designed with you in mind. The POWERHANDZ POWERSUIT by Universal Performance is perfect for athletes and beginners alike. With strategically placed sleek weights, notice enhancements in multiple areas of your physical health!
Improved Posture
When lifting weights or performing any exercise, it is important for your overall health that your form is perfect. The placement of these 1.25 lb weights on each shoulder blade moves your shoulders back. The 2.5 lbs weight around each thigh move the hips forward. Together, this weight distribution automatically promotes healthy posture. In turn, healthy posture reduces the risk of injury, improves efficiency and aids in proper leverage.
Running Form
The suit corrects running form. The innovating technology causes your arms to move front to back rather than side to side. This action assists the hips, knees, elbows, abdomen, lower back, upper back and shoulders to work together in a forward motion.
Muscle Memory
The added weight is almost undetectable and super sleek. These aspects cause your body to work harder without even noticing it, therefore generating a more memorable movement for your muscles. The fire created within allows the trainee to better learn and recreate positive movement.
Muscle length, Definition and Ligament/Tendon Strength
The POWERHANDZ POWERSUIT is not designed to create bulk on bulk on bulk. Instead it promotes a healthy way to add to your muscles and enhance your joints. The science of the suit itself simultaneously adds length AND definition to your muscles. Joints also benefit from the use of this suit due to its gentle yet effective application on the body. Healthy muscles as well as joints, properly prevent the risk of injury.
An Increase in Caloric Burn
Burn MORE calories just by going about your daily life. 19% more calories are burnt per minute while sporting the suit. Perform any kind of physical activity; walking, running, or lifting weights and reap the benefits of that extra burn!
Core Strength
The evenly and strategically placed weights of the suit delivers constant low grade resistance. This almost unnoticeable counter action actually makes a world of difference for your abdominal muscles and upper and lower back. Reliable core strength promotes correct form and allows you to avoid serious injury.
Sleek Style
The slender and slim fit of the suit allows one to sport the suit under their everyday clothes without obvious detection. Wear it to work, or to walk around the mall! There are no limits to reaping the benefits of this one of a kind suit!
Cardiovascular Fitness
The value of your workout is measured in your oxygen consumption. The POWERHANDZ POWERSUIT promotes an increase in oxygen to the brain and muscles. The added weight of the suit allows you to gain more from your work out! You can work out for 20% less time and achieve the same results of your average workout OR work out for the same amount of time and gain a 20% increase in total fitness benefits! Order yours NOW!!!
Meet the Man Behind the Research
Mike Fussel graduated Cum Laude from the Medical College of Georgia with a B.S. in Respiratory Therapy. He contributes his findings to various cardiac and pulmonary medical research protocols. Mikes past experience consists of training athletes of all stature including NFL players. His passion for health and fitness stem from his own personal athletic accomplishments including: US National Championship (USATF) 3000 meter Steeplechase (2007); North American/Caribbean Masters 45+ Champion 3000 meter Steeplechase (2008); and Texas State 1500 meter and 5000 meter Masters 50+ Champion (2010).